Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Confused Travolta Clicker EXTREME

Well, here is another game which memes a celebrity. This clicker game focuses on John Travolta and his famous confused scene from Pulp Fiction.

Confused Travolta Clicker EXTREME

"Confused Travolta Clicker EXTREME" is a simplistic clicker game, where you must perform various shady actions while John Travolta looks at the opposite direction. Each level has different tasks. In the first level you try to steal his furniture, in the second you touch his babes. In the third on... well better see that yourself. 

Play "Confused Travolta Clicker EXTREME" Online

Friday, February 5, 2016

Trump Donald

Have you ever wanted to mess up Trump's hair... with a trumpet ? Well here is your chance. Basically you move the trumpet around Trump's head and click the left mouse button to blow the instrument and watch how his iconic hair will flow in different directions. This is not really a game, but hey.. It's still very fun. And 28 millions blows from people around the globe can confirm that.

Play "Trump Donald" in your browser.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


CHKN is a creative open-world game, where you create strange creatures by connecting various blocks together. 

In "CHKN" you create creatures from random blocks and pieces. You can create a giraffe with a ponytail, a tarantula with dog legs or many other strange species. 
This game is in early alpha-state, so there is really not much you can do in the game, beside creating animals. However it is still very fun to try create a  creature which will not look some sort of alien abomination. And also all your created creatures will interact with you and other creatures (mostly attack, though). 


Download the demo-version of "CHKN".

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

No, Birdie, No!

In "No, Birdie, No!" you are in a bad situation. You are clinging to a clifftop, while the yellow pesky bird is trying to peck your fingers. For how long can you survive

This game is very similar to QWOP styled games. You control the fingers with ASDF keys, each mapped to a individual fingers that are mirrored on each hand. You must release the finger that is about to get pecked.